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Explore With Us

From the rainforests of wetlands of Chobe to the desserts of of Namibia, all of our programs are meticulously researched and planned to optimize student learning and offer fun, innovative, and immersive experiences.

Information Academy crafts programs that promote sustained student engagement with issues of global importance and local significance. Our goal is for the impacts of our programs to last long after the student has returned home, because we believe that learning is a journey without end.

Close collaboration with our partner schools and educators across the pre- and post-program stages ensures that our programs interact seamlessly with curricula, enabling students to get the most out of their experiences with us.


Information Academy’s Universal Learning Outcomes developed by our dedicated team of educators, reveals in more detail our educational philosophy, and how we tailor our trips to specific outcomes like critical thinking, creativity, community, communication, and adaptability.

Whatever program you choose, expect a journey of discovery with Botswana as the classroom. Students will encounter Botswana’s boundless culture, traditions, history and diversity, learning and growing every step of the way.


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Growth Mindset & Our Core Values

The WEG is committed to fostering growth and creating an uplifting culture throughout all of our educational programs across Botswana. No matter where we go, we aim to make a positive impact on the communities we visit, and on the student groups we lead.

Our core values underpin our company culture and the philosophy that shapes our programs.

Seek Challenge

We view obstacles as opportunities to work together, step outside of our comfort zones, and grow.

Be A Good Egg

We are honest, respectful and 100% reliable. We’re a basket full of good eggs.

Light A Spark

We love what we do and are eager to share our enthusiasm. Our passion lights a spark.

Go Extra

Our dedication leads us to deliver more than expected and always go the extra 里 (li).

Embrace Diversity

We learn from others and broaden our minds by seeking out different perspectives and proactively embracing diversity.

Smile More

We have fun, laugh a lot and always make time to play. That’s why we smile more!

Image by Debashis RC Biswas

Email Us Your Interest's

By sending us an email, you agree to be sent latest news about events and activities taking place at our ground offices, Neat Creats, Matebeleng.

Thanks for submitting!

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